This week has really been amazing for me. Our classes on grace have really opened my eyes to what grace really is. They really went into depth on how God doesn't just cover my sins he wipes them out. They're not anything that can come back up again. There's nothing I can ever do to make God love me more or less! Another amazing thing from this week was that in the past two days we as a group have spent 7 hours praying together for one another. It totally built up our team unity. Today we're doing another day of prayer for my roomate Rhiannon who was in a really bad car accident two years ago and has a lot of pain from it. We sign up for an hour of prayer so that for 24 hours straight there's always someone praying for her. God has really been doing amazing things here. One of the girls here cut her long hair off because she realized that she was finding to much of her strength in it and needed to rely on God for that instead. She also fasted for over three days to find some clarification from God. My other roomate Bethany is isolating herself for 24 hours to fast and really connect with God. It's so incrdible to see how God is moving through our group. Please pray that this lasts and that we can continue to build up one another through prayer.

80's volleyball, hence the leg warmers

This is the house I live on! See what I mean about it being a pain to walk up!

A kiss from God

Bethany, one of my roomates, and I

This is Cat holding Alleyah, one of our staff members kids. She's a major cutie!

The girls turn at air band

This is the guys rocking out to their sweet air band performance to Queen.

This was one of the most incredible sunsets I've seen since I've been here. This pictures was taken off of our balcony.

This is Elijah, our leader and his wife's baby. He is the cutest little guy ever and such a flirt!
Hi! Loved seeing the pictures.....yeah you are suffering being in that beautiful place? Great to hear how you are learning and growing....this is what I liked best about Bible college myself. Keep your heart open.....God has amazing thingsin store for you. Love you.... Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Hi Lauren. It looks like such a beautiful place you are at. The picture of the sunset is just amazing! I also loveeee those legwarmers....LOL Gives me flashbacks! It is good to hear that you are feeling better about where you are at. You are in my prayers everynight! Take Care!
Wow you sure do have some amazing sunsets. Well we have some of those here too. Well I just really wanted to say I love you, and I will be calling you as soon as I can.
Lauren I'm soo glad that things are going well for you! It looks like you are having such a great time and that the Lord is really speaking to you. You look soo beautiful in your pictures!
Love ya
Great photos, Lauren. Glad to see you are learning and growing and having fun! Love you!
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