Monday, February 5, 2007

Hello everybody! Sorry it's been a while since the last time I"ve posted. Nothing out of the oridnary has really happened lately. My roomates and me moved into a MUCH bigger room which is so nice. We're no longer cramped into a tiny space. Another perk of our room is that it has it's own bathroom. Pretty sweet if you ask me! Last weeks teachings were on evangelism and I have to say I was a little disappointed. It really wasn't what I was expecting. I'm really looking forward to this weeks lessons though, they're on grace. We had our first class today and it was really good. Today for evangelism Cat, Amy and I bought a dozen cookies at subway and went around giving them to people. Some people were a little creeped out lol but other people were really receptive of it. We had a fun little sing along with some guy who was playing guitar on some bench. Today was the first day I actually felt comfortable talking to people. Talk to you all later!


Kyle Mulligan said...

Hey, glad to hear you're enjoying your time there and getting more comfortable talking to people, I know how hard that can be sometimes. I hope you’re having a great week and this weeks lesson is a bit more interesting then the last!

Hope to hear from you again soon, and see more pictures to! ;)

Megan said...

Hey girl I'm so happy you are happy. I am having a super awesome time too. And things have gotten better since the last time we talked. I love you and I miss you, and if i ever get my new phone card I will be giving you a dingle.


Dad said...

Hi Lauren,
It was nice talking to you on the phone the other day. I'm glad to see your settling in. Mom and I were looking on Google Earth at where you are and the huge hill you have to go up and down. You'll have calves of steel when your all done. Keep the pictures coming, I enjoy looking at them. Take care. I love you anbd pray everyday for you.
Love Dad xoxoxox