Hi everybody! I wanted to share some pictures of my creative evangelism time last monday. So every monday we go downtown just to talk to people and build relationships with them in hopes of sharing the gospel with them. However, last monday we were supposed to bring a creative tool (camera, sketch pad, etc.) as a way to start a conversation with people. Sort of as an ice breaker. Amy and I were feeling discouraged and didn't really know what to do so we started writing in the sand. We wrote out all of john 3:16 and did some other bible verses and stuff. While we were doing that Chris came and started helping us. It was alot of fun. Even though we didn't get the opportunity to talk to anyone I'm sure our art put some thoughts into peoples minds.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Creative Evangelism
Hi everybody! I wanted to share some pictures of my creative evangelism time last monday. So every monday we go downtown just to talk to people and build relationships with them in hopes of sharing the gospel with them. However, last monday we were supposed to bring a creative tool (camera, sketch pad, etc.) as a way to start a conversation with people. Sort of as an ice breaker. Amy and I were feeling discouraged and didn't really know what to do so we started writing in the sand. We wrote out all of john 3:16 and did some other bible verses and stuff. While we were doing that Chris came and started helping us. It was alot of fun. Even though we didn't get the opportunity to talk to anyone I'm sure our art put some thoughts into peoples minds.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is praying for and supporting me. This isn't exactly the easiest time for me, but it make it alot easier to be here when I remember that I have so much support back home.
Starting tomorrow, Susan Gaddis will be our speaker for the week. She will be teaching on 'hearing the voice of God' I'm really looking forward to this weeks sessions. I'll do my best to keep you all posted. Love you all!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Hello everybody! Just wanted to let you know what's going on around here. I had my first art lesson yesterday. My drawing teacher is very nice, his name is William. I think this class will be very beneficial for me as an artist. Our speaker for this week's classes is John Hunter. He's a potter and uses his potters wheel during his lectures. It's very interesting how he relates what he's doing on the wheel to what he's speaking about. Please continue to pray for me as I'm finding some things difficult here. I know it's all for a reason though and that God has everything in control. Please pray for peace. After all these days of posting no pictures I finally get to, so here they are!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't been able to post any pictures yet, but it's kind of difficult when you can't use your own computer! But anyways, I just wanted to let you all know that after a lot of prayer our group has decided to go to Rwanda and Kenya! I would really appreciate it if you could all pray that I would make it through my needles without freaking out and wanting to back out of the trip! Email me! Love you :)
Friday, January 12, 2007
Hi everybody!! I just wanted to let you know that we will be going to AFRICA for outreach!! We're not totally sure on the exact location, but we know it'll be in northern africa. I'll post more tomorrow after our time of intercession and we figure out our exact route. Love you all!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Home sweet temporary home!
Hello everybody! wow, what an experience coming here. First of all it's absolutly beautiful here and everyone in the house is really nice. I'ts kind of a challenge though for me to stretch myself and make friends. I'm such a shy person so to put myself out there is so difficult. In total there is 15 students- 4 guys and 11 girls. Lots from the states and canada and one from sweden and one from england. I can tell this is going to be a really great experience for me and I'm so excited to see what God is going to do not only through myself but through our entire team. Please continue to pray for me, the homesickness is starting to settle in and so that's making things alot harder. Love you all!
Thursday, January 4, 2007
In about an hour or so I'll be all packed up in the car and ready to leave for Calgary. It's so sad to leave the familiarness of home. I didn't expect it to be so hard to say good-bye to everyone. I know that God's calling me to California, but emotionally I feel like I'd rather just stay home.
We'll arrive in Calgary sometime around midnight and spend the night at my dads sisters house. On friday we're going to do a little bit of shopping, pick up the last few things I need, and then go to my grandma and grandpa's house for supper. On saturday I have to be at the airport by 10:00 so that I can make my 12:00 flight. I think only mom and dad are going to bring me to the airport. This will be my 8th time on a plane, so I'm not nervous about flying, i'm just a little bit nervous about navigating my way in the airports by myself! Pray that I don't get lost! My next post will probably be in a couple days once I get settled into my new 'home'. God Bless!
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